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Confused about what indo board to get? Check out this buyers guide with video to find out what Indo balance board product will fit your goals the best.


As of January 21st 2018 Indo board offers 9 different balance boards. Each product they make serves different purposes and behaves with different characteristics.

This can make the choice for choosing the right balance board for your needs difficult.

I put together this guide to help you choose the best balance board for your goals.

For each product I wrote a description of it, who it would be best for,who should avoid it and a videos showing the types of things that can be done with the board so you can make an informed choice and get the right board for your needs.


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Indo board makes some are great all around balance boards but if you at an intermediate or advanced level at a board sport such as surfing, skateboarding, long boarding or snowboarding I suggest you look into some of the products offered by Vew-Do board or Goofboard.




I recommend you check out my Vew-do board guide if you are into skateboarding , snowing boarding or surfing.  Check out my goofboard guide if you are into surfing.


How to choose the right accessories package to use with Indo boards

It can be a difficult to choose what Indo board packages to get because Indo Board offers many different accessories to use with their boards.

You can get the board alone, the board with a roller, the board with their big or smaller balance cushion or their foam roller kit.

Getting  board with the roller only package

Using Indo boards with a roller is going provide the most challenging balance workout but it is much more risky than using the board with a balance cushion (especially when first learning).

Getting the smaller cushion package or combo with roller

Using the Indo Board with their flow cushions is a great place to start balance training if you are concerned about taking a hard fall because it will allow you to gradually work your way up to using the board with a roller.

Getting board with the large balance cushion

The larger cushion will provide more of a challenge to your balance than the smaller one depending on how much you inflate it so it can be good for doing general workouts on.

The cushions are great if you are planning to use the board to provide instability for workout routines and exercises with free weights because it is much safer to do than using free weights on a roller.

I do not recommend using free weights on a balance board with a roller I think it is just too dangerous, check out my balance board safety guide for more tips on how to reduce the chance of getting injured while using a balance board.

 The large cushions are also good for people into board sports because it will allow you train 360 degrees of balance as well as practice rotations.

Getting the board with the foam roller kit

This kit will not be challenging enough for most users but would be great tool for a physical therapist to have.

The kit is best for someone recovering from an injury or with really poor balance skills that are looking for a slow and safer way to improve their balance.


All the boards and products reviewed in this guide

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The original indo board

Is it a good  choice for you

The Indo Board Original is an excellent general purpose balance board. You can use the board for a range of goals such as fitness,  general balance training, learning tricks, and rehabilitation.

Might not be best choice for you

I would not recommend it for someone who is heavier then 250 pounds or taller than 6ft 4 inches  you would be better off with  indo board pro it has a higher weight limit and the larger size of the board allows taller people to use the board with a proper stance.

Also if you are into board sports, I think you can find a better board that is designed specifically for improving skills in your chosen board sport.


The board size is 30in. x 18in. , has a 250 lbs weight limit, has a recommended max height limit of 6 foot 4in.

Available packages

It is sold  in packages with either their 14in. cushion or a 6.5-inch roller or both


The indoboard Pro

Is it a good  choice for you

This board is a great general fitness/balance board the larger size will give you more room to do different types exercises on.

The larger size of the board is also great for people over 6ft because it will give you more room to spread out your feet as well as has a higher weight limit than smaller boards.

This board is only ok to use if you are into board sports, If you want to practice carving skills, it can be utilized with the gigante cushion to simulate the feel of carving.

Might not be best choice for you

 If you are already at an intermediate to advance level in a board sport thier are better balance boards out there to work on flipping tricks, rotation skills and carving I would look into some of the Vew-Do boards.


The indo pro 42in. x 15 in, has a 350-pound weight limit

Available packages

It is sold as the deck only or in a package with an 8 1/2in. high roller or the large gigantic cushion.


The indo board mini original

Is it a good  choice for you

This small board was originally made to be used with their 14in. balance cushion for general balance training, stand-up desks, and physical therapy but they found when paired with their 5in roller it makes for a perfect children's balance board.

They recommend this board for children 3-8 years old.  For added safety I would start them out using the board with the balance cushion then once they get that down let them try using the board with the roller.

Might not be best choice for you

If you are looking for a general fitness/ balance trainer, you would be better off with larger board like the indo original or indo pro because they will give you more options of exercises and moves you can do with them.


The board is 28in. x 16in. and is used with their 5in high roller. It is sold as a solo deck or in packages with the 14in flow cushion, 5in roller, and foam roller kit.

Available packages

With roller or combo cushion and roller




The indo board mini Pro

Is this the right board for you

This board is a little shorter and narrower than the indo pro board.

This board would best if you are looking to get into or just started a board sport and are looking to improve your skills while avoiding the risks  taking a lot of falls when using a move advanced balance board.

The type of  movements that are used in board sports that can be performed on this board are, board walking/dancing, slow rotations,  fitness exercises and general balance training.

If you use the Gigante Cushion, you can also work on carving skills and 360-degree balance which is good for people into board sports.

Is this the wrong board for you.

If you are looking for a fitness balance board you would be better of with the larger size board such as the indo original or indo pro.

If you are at an intermediate or advanced level  a board sport I recommend you look into a Vew-Do board they are better at working on flipping tricks, rotation skills, and carving.


This board is 39in. x 12in. , has a 350-pound weight limit, and it uses an 8 1/2 in. roller or the large 24 in gigante cushion.

Available packages

Sold with roller or large cushion or combo of both


The Indo rocker board


Is this the right board for yourself.

The unique thing about this board is that the board has a slight curve to it and does not have any stoppers on the bottom of the board to keep it from shooting out from under you.

 The curve in the board allows for you to practicing spinning or rotation moves that are common in board sports.

These 2 thing make the board an advance level balance board.

This board would be best for wake boarders looking to improve their skills due to the similar size of a wakeboard and ability to practice spinning moves and ollies.

This board would also be good for someone who already has an indo original and is looking to continue to push their balance skills.

Should you avoid this board.

This board is an advanced balance board and should be avoided it if you are new to balance training or just looking for looking for a general fitness/balance board you would be better off with the indo pro or original.


This board is 33in. x 15.5in. , has a 250-pound weight limit, It is sold as a solo deck or in packages with their 6.5 in high roller.

Available packages

It is sold with the 14 in flow cushion, roller package or combination of both.


The indo Kick tail pro

Is this the right board for you

This is another advanced balance board that is made for people into board sports, particularly wakeskating.

It features kick tails on the board to make it easier to practice moves like ollies and skateboard flipping tricks.

Should you avoid this board.

If you are looking for a fitness/balance board, i suggest you avoid this board, check out the indo pro or orginal

I also think their are better options for peopling looking for a balance board for skateboarding, surfing or snowboarding check out vew-do boards, goofboard.


This board is 40 in x 10 in, has a 350-pound weight limit, sold as a deck only or in a package with a 6.5in wide roller.

Available packages

This board is sold only with a roller

The indo kicktail mini

Is this the right board for you.

This board is made mostly for kids/teens looking to get better at skateboard , the board size is similar in size to skateboard deck.

The board has double kick tails for practicing ollies and skateboard filipping tricks

A Vew-do board would be better if you are trying to get better at board sports, but they are a little more dangerous and challenging than this board.

Learning kicking tricks might be easier on this board then a Vew-do board because to land them all you have to do is fall on the roller whereas with a Vew-do board you have to get the track on the bottom of the board to line up correctly with the groove cut out on the roller.

This board would be good for a young kid to develop balance and coordination so they can get into a board sport. But if the kid can already skateboard a Vew-Do would be a better choice.

Should you avoid this board

If you are not a beginner skater that is under 140 pounds you should not get this board.


This board is 32in. x 8.75in. , has a140-pound weight limit and comes with a 5in. high roller.

Available packages

It is only sold with a roller


The indo yoga board.


Is this the right board for you

This board is a specialized balance board made primarily for doing yoga on but can also be used as stand-up paddleboard yoga(SUP) trainer.

From the reviews that I have read by people who are into yoga they all say they enjoy it because it can make a simple yoga pose more challenging due to the  instability the board provides.

I would recommend this board for anyone who is at an intermediate or advanced level in yoga and is looking for a way to continue to challenge themselves.

 If you already own a SUP board you could save some money and use Indo gigante cushions under your board while you practice yoga.


This board is 69 in. x 16in. x 1 in. , has a 350-pound weight limit.



Indo flow cushion

The 14in. Indo flow balance cushion inflates by mouth and the more you inflate the cushion more unstable, it becomes to balance on.

 It can be used alone for rehab/ prehab, balance training, and fitness.



The Indo gigante

The indo flow gigante 24in. balance cushion inflates by mouth, and the more you blow up the cushion the more unstable it becomes to balance on.

The thing I like about this big cushion is that it allows you work on carving and 360-degree balance skills that you can not develop when using an indo board used the roller.

This larger cushion is better for working on board sport skills because it will provide more instability than the smaller cushion.  You can make a balance trainer by placing this cushions under an old skateboard deck, snowboard or surfboard.


Indo foam roller kit

The kit is composed of a 36in foam roller, cut up into an 18in foam roller, a half-round roller, two wedges and two slivers.
 If you are concerned about talking a lot of falls while learning to use a balance board, this kit will allow you to progressively work your way up to using a balance board with a roller
This product would be perfect for a physical therapist that needs to be able to change how challenging the board will be to use depending on the balance skills of their clients.
If you are already into board sports or have experience using a balance board with a roller, you will probably find using the board with these pieces of foam to be too easy.


If you got one of these boards and are not sure what else to do with it after you have masted rocking back and forth check out my article showing over 100 tricks and exercises you can do with a balance board.



Get started with your balance training journey or take your board sports skills to the next level with one of the many Indo boards below

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If you have an indo board I would love to hear your experience with it in the comment section below.

How do you use the board the most? Are you happy with the board you decided to buy or do you think you should have gotten a different model or product? Should I add anything to this guide?